We are now closed to new complaint registrations.

Cases dealt with by some other schemes are not eligible for our service

The full list of excluded schemes is included below.

If you have been through one of these schemes we would suggest visiting our page on Concessionary Cases (also known as ‘Boundary’ cases) to see if you could be assisted with your case by the BBRS.

  • HBOS Reading Customer Review: Professor Russel Griggs and (following the Sir Ross Cranston review) the Sir David Foskett Panel Review
  • RBS’s Global Restructuring Group (GRG): Sir William Blackburne
  • Virgin Money (including Clydesdale Bank PLC & Yorkshire Bank) Complex Tailored Business Loans (CTBLS)
  • Any review conducted independently of the relevant bank of the sale of Interest Rate Hedging Products (IRHP) where the review was conducted as a result of action by the regulator. Additional information on this can be found on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website here.