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Customer testimonial: “The BBRS helped resolve this stressful experience”

25 August 2022

Case overview – fraud victims unprotected by inadequate bank processes

Abdul, the owner of a design and manufacturing business, was subject to Authorised Push Payment fraud. This is where a business is deceived or defrauded into authorising a payment to a scammer.

Abdul didn’t think their bank had adequate systems in place to prevent the fraud. He was also dis-satisfied with the bank customer service follow up. As this case concerned activities before 2019 it was considered under the historical scheme.

Achieving resolution

The BBRS investigated and agreed that Abdul had a case. The case progressed to the adjudication stage and was upheld in Abdul’s favour. The bank refunded the money lost to the scammers with interest. Abdul was also compensated for the poor service they received.

Abdul said: “The BBRS helped resolve this stressful experience, and I would like to thank all those who were involved in investigating my complaint.”

This testimonial is anonymised with names changed but is an account of a real customer experience. Each case that reaches the BBRS is different and customer outcomes will vary.